Elementary Curriculum
(Kindergarten - 5th Grade)
(child must be five by July 31 of that year to enter Kindergarten in the fall)
We review the textbooks and resources that support our curriculum through a six year cycle.
The cycle review is as follows:
2019 – Math
2020 – Language Arts (Reading/Literature)
2021 - Language Arts (English, Spelling, Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Handwriting, Typing)
2022 – Bible, Art, Music, PE
2023 – Science, Health
2024 – Social Studies
Students in elementary school develop their Biblical knowledge through study of the Bible, Bible verse memorization, and the application of this knowledge. Class discussion offers students the opportunity to share their faith with their peers.
Science Kindergarten
Physical science units – matter, motion, and energy
Life science units – animals, plants, habitats
Earth science units – day and night, weather and seasons, earth’s resources.
Engineering, technology and science application units – doing science
Science Grade 1
Physical science units – all about matter, forces and energy including sound
Life science units – animals, plants, environments
Earth science units – objects in the sky, weather and seasons, earth’s resources
Engineering, technology and science application units – how scientists work, technology all around us
Science Grade 2
Physical science units – changes in matter, energy and magnets
Life science units – all about animals (includes fossils) and plants, environments for living things
Earth science units – solar system, all about weather, earth and its resources
Engineering, technology and science application units – work like a scientist, technology and our world
Science Grade 3
Physical science units – matter, simple and compound machines
Life science units – plants and animals, ecosystems and interactions
Earth science units – earth and its moon, change to earth’s surface, water and weather, people and resources
Engineering, technology and science application units – investigating questions, the engineering process
Science Grade 4
Physical science units – properties of matter, changes in matter, motion, energy, and electricity
Life science units – plants and animals, energy and ecosystems
Earth science units – earth and space, weather, energy and ecosystems
Engineering, technology and science application units – studying science, the engineering process
Science Grade 5
The students are exposed to the wonderful creation of God and see His marvelous handiwork. The students c over a variety of topics in life science, physical science, and earth science. The life science topics include cells, traits of living things, ecosystems, communities, and biomes. Physical science topics include forces, motion, and simple machines. Earth science topics include weather and climate, planets—gravity, land forms, and atmosphere.
Social Studies
Social Studies Kindergarten
Self, Others, and Communities - Students in Kindergarten are just beginning to learn and explore their world. The focus relies heavily on their immediate surroundings, family and school. Students explain how society, the environment, the political and economic landscape, and historical events influence perspectives, values, traditions, and ideas.
Social Studies Grade 1
Families and Communities Near and Far - Students are beginning to explore the world around them and how they fit into that world. Each strand of social studies is centered on this theme as they begin to investigate and apply their learning through historical thinking. Students explain how society, the environment, the political and economic landscape, and historical events influence perspectives, values, traditions, and ideas.
Social Studies Grade 2
People and Places Near and Far - Students have a focus on learning about their community, and how each content focus impacts their lives within their community. The shift from first grade is a broader view of the community and state, rather than a focus on school and family. Students explain how society, the environment, the political and economic landscape, and historical events influence perspectives, values, traditions, and ideas.
Social Studies Grade 3
Communities Past and Present - Students in third grade focus on Louisiana in many aspects, from its geography to the government. With a solid foundation of each content area, students will be ready to move more in depth concepts developed at higher grade levels. Students explain how society, the environment, the political and economic landscape, and historical events influence perspectives, values, traditions, and ideas.
Social Studies Grade 4
Regions of the United States and Missouri History - Students begin to understand the physical characteristics of the nation and learn a basic understanding of the history of America from early explorers to present day society. They begin to understand the democratic foundations that built the current political system of today through significant historical events that helped to shape the country into what it is today. Students explain how society, the environment, the political and economic landscape, and historical events influence perspectives, values, traditions, and ideas. In addition, students will learn about the history of the state of Missouri.
Social Studies Grade 5
The year begins with an overview of maps and map skills. We then move into American History starting with the earliest Americans. We then cover exploration and European settlement. A large part of the curriculum deals with the Thirteen Original Colonies and the Revolutionary War. We end the year with a study of how our country grew, how the nation was divided, with an in-depth study of the Civil War, and finally, we study the period of reconstruction and how the country was reunited.
Language Arts
The elementary language arts curriculum is organized around the three strands of literacy: 1) reading, 2) language & writing, and 3) speaking & listening. As students advance through each grade and master the standards in each area, they exhibit an understanding of increasingly complex language arts skills.
Reading – Demonstrate understanding of the concepts of print, demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds, Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words, Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension, Acquire and accurately use grade-appropriate words and phrases, apply pre-reading strategies to aid comprehension, During reading students will develop and utilize, with assistance, strategies of comprehension, Apply post-reading skills to demonstrate comprehension of text, Compare, contrast and analyze connections in reading, use details from the text to identify and explain literary elements
Language & Writing – Use legible manuscript and cursive (beginning at the end of 2nd grade) handwriting to communicate ideas clearly, In the context of writing, correctly spell grade-appropriate words, Apply knowledge of grammar and proper mechanics, Follow the writing process, Use traits of writing to compose well-developed texts, Write effectively in various forms and types of writing
Speaking & Listening – Develop and apply effective listening skills and strategies, develop and apply effective speaking skills and strategies for various audiences and purposes
Math Kindergarten
Sorting and classifying, patterns, number and shape recognition, time, measurement, and beginning addition and subtraction are taught through handsHon activities as well as paper and pencil. We strive for an understanding concepts rather than memorization of facts at this level.
Math Grade 1
Students will learn strategies for adding and subtracting to 12, and solving simple story problems. They will also learn to identify patterns, how to sort items, and how to read graphs. In addition, they will learn how to skip count by 2's, 5's and 10's, tell time to the hour and half-hour, and count coins.
Math Grade 2
Students will continue to work on speed and accuracy with basic addition and subtraction facts, as well as learn how to add 2Hdigit numbers and solve multi-step story problems. In addition, they will review and learn place value to thousands. Moreover, they will build on their knowledge of counting money by introducing dollars. They will also build on their knowledge of telling time by learning how to tell time to 5 minutes as well as calculating elapsed time. Non-standard and standard units of measurement will also be introduced.
Math Grade 3
This curriculum focuses on traditional mathematic principles. Study includes: graphs, place value to hundred thousands, comparing and rounding numbers, understanding time / calendars, adding and subtracting 2-4 digit numbers and column additions including missing numbers and estimating, add and subtract money and counting change back, multiplication, division, geometry, fractions, measurements, and utilizing manipulations and problem solving skills
Math Grade 4
This curriculum focuses on traditional mathematic principles. Study includes: parallel and perpendicular lines, right angles, lines and line segments, squares and square roots, fractions and mixed numbers, dividing and multiplying 2-4 digit numbers, decimals, Roman numerals, and utilizing manipulations and problem solving skills
Math Grade 5
The focus of math 5 is on making mathematics meaningful and relevant. Students work more deeply on fewer topics to ensure a deeper understanding. It stresses number sense to increase proficiency in computation and problem solving. Conceptual focus is on Algebra, Graphing Data, Decimals, Fractions, and Geometry.
Physical Education
Students learn individual skills and teamwork strategies through the introduction different sports such as soccer, basketball, and volleyball. Classes will consist of stretches, physical fitness activities, and organized games.
Art Kindergarten and Grade 1
Elements of art – line, shape, color, space, value, form, texture
Discovery and demonstrate in artwork – primary and secondary colors, geometric and organic shapes, 3D forms, different types of lines, patterns in artwork, types of art careers
Art Grade 2 and 3
Elements of art – line, shape, color, space, value, form, texture
Principals of art – pattern, balance, contrast
Discovery and demonstrate in artwork – intermediate colors, warm and cool colors, positive and negative space, 3D forms, horizontal, diagonal, and vertical lines, types of symmetrical and asymmetrical balance, types of art careers
Art Grade 4 and 5
Elements of art – line, shape, color, space, value, form, texture
Principals of art – pattern, balance, contrast, movement, emphasis, rhythm, unity
Discovery and demonstrate in artwork – color schemes, proportions within human figure and facial features , 3D forms, types of symmetrical, asymmetrical, & radial balance, art history periods, movements, & styles, types of art careers
Music Kindergarten
Songs are taught for worship and fun. Music and movement are a daily part of our classroom experience.
Music Grade 1 and 2
Students explore the use of instruments in the classroom, have a solid understanding of beat vs. rhythm, listen critically to music, understand ABA form, develop comfort with their voice, identify simple rhythms including quarter, eighth and half note rhythms, create own rhythm and vocal patterns, perform echo and response patterns, express themselves musically in a variety of ways, and begin to appreciate music from a variety of genres.
Music Grade 3 and 4
Students express themselves musically as a choir, explore the use of recorders and chimes in the classroom, have a solid understanding of performance techniques, listen critically to music, use musical vocabulary to explain parts of the songs, read short rhythmic and musical patterns, improvise and create their own patterns, and appreciate music from a variety of genres.
Beginning Band - Grade 5
Students who are interested in learning a band instrument should enroll in this elective. The band instructor from Lutheran High School North is the teacher for this class.
Voices of the Spirit Choir - Grade 5
Students in fifth through eighth grade who are interested in choral singing enjoy developing their vocal talent in this elective. Students perform in Sunday and Wednesday morning worship.